To Archive A Patient Submission:
- Log in to FormDr
- Select ‘Send + Receive‘
- Scroll down to the patient submission you would like to archive
- Select the ‘Archive’ button on the far right
Archiving a Patient Submission
To archive a submission, simply select the ‘Archive’ button on the submission you would like archived. Archived submissions will be stored in the patient’s record.
A patient record is created during one of the following events:
- When sending patient forms to complete via text message or email
- When a patient completes your forms from the direct link
How Do Patient Forms Group Together?
Patient forms need 2 of the following variables in order to group together correctly into a single record:
- Patient Name (Using the field names ‘firstName’ and ‘lastName’)
- Date of Birth (Using the field name ‘dateofBirth’)
- The email address used to send forms to the patient
- The phone number used to send forms to the patient
As long as the patient name, plus one of the above variables are the same, all forms submitted by the patient will be grouped together in the same record.