The Multi-Select Option widget allows you to ask custom questions and giving the end user the ability to select multiple answers.
Use this widget to
- Ask How you were referred or Health History questions
- Collect information from predefined choices
- Ask common questions like "Services interested in Receiving"
- Title: Used to name the widget. This is where you will ask your question (I.E. How were you referred?, Select the best methods of contact, ect.)
- Name: Name allows you to set up questions for autocomplete. If this field is identical it will autocomplete on another form within the same packet.
- CSV Name: This field is used to name the CSV (Excel) field.
- Text: Use to create predefined answers
- Drag & Drop form elements here: This area can be used for conditional logic. Drag and drop a form element in this section to ask additional questions once they have selected an answer.
- Value: Allows you to force select another answer choice when named the same. This area is space sensitive and should not include space between words.
- Add Option: Allows you to provide more answer choices to the end user.
- Move: Use this tool to move the widget to another form within the same packet.
- Duplicate: Will create an identical copy of the current widget.
- Delete Field: Will delete the widget from the form.
- Widget Options
- Required: Turns on requirements. The form cannot be submitted unless this information is filled out.
- Align Left: Will align the question to the left. All answers will display below the question instead of to the right of the question.
- Hide on Print: This will hide the widget when selecting print or downloading the PDF.
- Collapse Widget: The "Pencil" button or "Done" button will collapse/close the widget.