To Update The Information The Patient Can See:
- Log in to FormDr
- Select ‘My Account‘
- Select ‘Location‘
Location Information
In this area you will find the details of your location. You can update the following fields:
- Account Name – This is a setting that will be used on your form packets, emails and text messages that are sent from your account.
- Timezone – Your timezone will be set and schedule reminders automatically, but you can set it manually here as well.
- Phone – This is a setting that will be used on the emails and text messages that are sent from your account.
- Reply to Email Address – This is a custom email address, if a patient replies to the email that is sent from your account, it will be directed to this email.
- Address, City, State, Zip – This is a setting that may be used to populate your address on your forms.
After changing or adding the location information, simply click the ‘Update Account’ button.