To Export A PDF Of A Submission:
- Log in to FormDr
- Select ‘Send + Receive‘
- Scroll down to the patient submission you would like to export
- Select the ‘PDF’ button
Exporting as a PDF file
You can export a patient submission as a PDF file. The PDF will include all of the questions in your form, and the answers completed by the patient. The PDF is generated directly from your online form, so the styling and formatting will match your form very closely. If you need to adjust the way your PDF looks, you will want to make updates to your forms in the form builder. To update your forms, navigate to ‘My Forms’ and select ‘Edit Forms.’
Only need to export a single form in a packet? Select the ‘Print’ button instead, print will give you options to hide forms and export a PDF of a single form in your packet.
How to save Export Settings
To navigate to Save PDF Export settings:
- Log in to FormDr
- Select ‘Packets + Forms‘
- Select the form you would like to save PDF settings for
- Select ‘Settings’ > ‘Export’
- Print each form on a new page – Inserts a page break after each form to start the next form on a new page.
- Hide Empty Fields – Hides any field that does not have a completed answer. This will allow you to print only the information that was completed.
- Reduce Spacing – Reduces the amount of space to save paper.
- Hide Form Titles – Hides the form title at the top.