To Integrate with Athena:
- Sign and submit the consent form provided by Athena
- Once Athena has approved your account you can connect. Approval can take 24-72 hours depending on Athena.
To Connect your Packet:
- Go to the 'Integrations' tab and select 'Export submissions to athenahealth'
- Enter your 'Athena Practice ID' and 'Department ID.' (Department ID is 1)
- Click 'Authenticate Athenahealth'
- Select form(s) to export into Athenahealth
Select where you want the PDF to upload within Athena. (Options available: Admin, Intake Paperwork, New Patient Registration, Medical History, Behavioral Health Intake)
- Click 'Save and Back'
- Each packet connected packet will have a blue check box.
- Once you have saved your information you have the option to turn on 'Export automatically.' If this option is turned on it will automatically push your submissions through to Athena at the top of every hour. Leaving this option off means you can push the submission through to Athena at your discretion.
- You are now ready to update your form with the correct Athena shortcodes.
Now that your account is configured you will need to update your packet with the correct shortcodes. This can be accomplished by updating your existing questions or by dragging the Athena Template onto your packet.
- Go to 'My Forms' and update your packet with the correct Athenahealth shortcodes in the form builder.
- Add the Athena template to your packet by clicking the "Athena Template" widget in the form builder under the "Integration Templates" section.
To Update your packet:
Please use the list of provided shortcodes on your integrated packet.
Department ID
Level | Default | Display | Definition |
1 | Department ID |
Patient Name
Level | Shortcode | Display | Definition |
1 | firstName | First Name | *Must Have/ Ex: Image 2 |
1 | middleName | Middle Name | |
1 | lastName | Last Name | *Must Have |
1 | athenaPreferredName | Preferred Name | Ex: Image 2 |
1 | athenaAltFirstName | Alternate First Name | Ex: Image 2 |
Level | Shortcode | Display | Definition |
1 | athenaDriversLicense | Driver's License Number | Ex: Image 3 |
1 | athenaSSN | Social Security Number | Ex: Image 3 |
1 | athenaDob | Birthday | *Must Have |
1 | athenaRace | Race | |
2 | 2054-5 | African American | |
2 | 1002-5 |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
2 | 2028-9 | Asian | |
2 | 2029-7 |
Asian Indian |
2 | 2106-3 | White | |
2 | 2131-1 |
Other |
1 | athenaPreferredPronouns | Pronouns | |
2 |
he/him |
He/Him | |
2 |
she/her |
She/Her |
2 |
they/them |
They/Them |
1 | athenaMaritalStatus | Marital Status | Ex: Image 4 |
2 | S | Single | |
2 | M | Married | |
2 | D | Divorced | |
2 | W | Widowed | |
2 | X | Separated | |
2 | P | Partner | |
2 | U | Unknown | |
1 | athenaSex | Sex | |
2 | M | Male | |
2 | F | Female | |
1 | athenaBirthSex | Sex at Birth | |
2 | M | Male | |
2 | F | Female | |
1 | athenaSexualOrientation | Sexual Orientation | |
2 | Straight or heterosexual | Straight or heterosexual | |
2 | Lesbian, gay or homosexual | Lesbian, gay or homosexual | |
2 | Bisexual | Bisexual | |
2 | Something else | Something else | |
3 | athenaSexualOrientationOther | Specify Sexual Orientation | |
2 | Don't know | Don't know | |
2 | Choose not to disclose | Choose not to disclose | |
1 | athenaGenderIdentity | Gender Identity | |
2 | Male | Male | |
2 | Female | Female | |
2 | Genderqueer (neither exclusively male nor female) | Gender NonConforming | |
2 | Additional gender category or other | Other | |
3 | genderidentityother | Specify Gender | |
2 | Choose not to disclose | Choose not to disclose | |
1 | Address | ||
1 | athenaStreet | Street | |
1 | athenaStreet2 | Street 2 | |
1 |
athenaCity |
City | |
1 | athenaState | State | |
1 | athenaZip | Zip | |
1 | athenaMobilePhone | Mobile Phone | |
1 | athenaHomePhone | Home Phone | |
1 | athenaWorkPhone | Work Phone | |
1 | athenaEmail | Email Address | |
1 | athenaConsentToCall | Consent to call | |
1 | athenaConsentToText | Consent to text | |
1 | athenaPrivacy | *Privacy Agreement | *Must Have/ Recommended as an update for privacy agreement signatures |
Level | Shortcode | Display | Definition |
1 | athenaIsInsured | Do you have insurance | |
2 | athenaInsuranceHolder | Are you the insurance holder | |
2 | True |
Yes |
Default FormDr Shortcodes |
2 | False | No | |
3 | athenaInsurancePolicyHolderFirstName |
Policy Holder First Name |
3 | athenaInsurancePolicyHolderLastName |
Policy Holder Last Name |
3 | athenaRelationshipToInsuredId | Relationship to the Insured | |
3 | 2 |
Spouse |
3 | 3 |
Child |
3 |
4 |
Other |
3 | athenaInsurancePolicyHolderSex | Policyholder Sex | |
3 | M | Male | |
3 | F | Female | |
3 | athenaInsuranceHolderDob | Policyholder date of Birth | |
2 | athenaInsuranceID | Insurance ID | |
2 | athenaInsurancePolicySequenceNumber | Insurance Type | |
2 | 1 | Primary | |
2 | 2 | Secondary | |
2 | athenaInsurancePolicyProvider | Insurance Provider | |
2 | Upload Insurance | ||
2 | AthenaInsuranceCardFront | Front Image Needed | |
2 | athenaInsuranceCardBack | Back Image Needed |
Insurance Codes: (Athena Provided - Required to integrate insurance information)
Level | Shortcode | Display | Definition |
5310 | Blue Shield Blue Cross | ||
9081 | Kaiser Permenante | ||
1352 | Aetna | ||
16991 | Aetna POS | ||
38340 | BCBS AZ (PPO) | ||
38417 | BCBS AZ | ||
74 | Cigna | ||
982 | United Healthcare | ||
2150 | United Healthcare PPO | ||
149947 | UMR- Unitedhealthcare |
- Can I have multiple packets upload into Athena?
Yes, you can connect as many packets as you need.
- Can submissions upload into Athena automatically?
Yes, when setting up the integration be sure to toggle on "Export Automatically." This will automatically upload the export at the top of the house. (i.e. 1:02pm, 2:02pm, 3:02pm)
- Can submissions upload into Athena manually?
Yes, if you have the "Export Automatically" toggle off. Once you receive a submission there will be a button that will allow you to push the submission to Athena.
- I finished integrating my forms with Athena health. How long will it take Athena to register a new patient after completing the new Form Dr. Forms?
If set to automatic export, then the completed submissions will be exported to Athena at the top of every hour.
- I have been approved for Athena, what are my next steps?
Once your account has been approved by Athena, you will need to connect your account and update your packet. (Follow the steps above)
- What are the minimum requirements to upload a submission into Athena?
Athena requires the following for a submission to upload: First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth and Privacy Agreement. This information is marked with an asterisk (*) in the table above.
- Can I upload the PDF or do I have to update my form with all the fields listed?
You can setup the integration to only upload the PDF however, Athena still requires the following for a submission to upload: First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth and Privacy Agreement.
Where to location Insurance ID:
Department ID Example:
Patient Name Example:
Patient Name Alternative Example:
Identification Example:
Marital Status Example: