To Stop The Date Of Birth (DOB) Auto Filling Today's Date:
- Log in to FormDr
- Navigate to the ‘Packets + Forms‘ page
- Select the ‘…’ > ‘Edit Forms’
- Select ‘Next to Build’
5. Locate the Date of Birth widget on your form and click the pencil to open the widget.
6. Once the 'Date' widget is open turn of the 'Today Default' toggle off. Once the toggle is off it will turn grey.
7. After you have turned off the "Today Default" toggle, click the pencil icon or done to close the widget.
8. To publish your changes be sure to click through the form builder. (I.E. Next to build, style, publish, my account). Clicking through the builder will save and publish all changes made to the packet.
9. After you have published your form you will be redirected to the 'Send + Receive' page. You are now ready to view or send your form.