To Add A New Synced Form:
- Log in to FormDr
- Navigate to the ‘Packets + Forms‘ page
- Select the ‘Forms'
Adding a Synced Form
You can create a Synced form by selecting one of the following:
- Select From a Packet – Import a form from an existing packet.
- Build From Scratch – Creates a blank form.
1. Select 'Select From a Packet'
2. Select the 'Packet' you want to import a form from
3. Select the 'Form' you want to import
4. Click 'Select'
5. Step 1. Build: Here, you can edit the form, modify the existing questions, and add or remove questions.
6. Once you have completed your edits, click 'Next to Style' on the bottom right-hand side of the page. This will take you to 'Step 2. Style'
7. Step 2. Style: Here, you can modify the form's appearance, including the logo, colors, and fonts.
8. Once you have completed your edits, click 'Next to Publish' on the bottom right-hand side of the page. This will take you to 'Step 3. Publish'
9. Step 3. Publish: Here, you will have a chance to Name Your Synced Form and capture its Direct Link, Embed Code, QR Code, and more. This information can also be collected from the 'Packets + Forms' page.
10. Once you have confirmed your form's name. Click 'My Account' on the bottom right-hand side of the page or 'Finished Building? Go to My Account'.
11. Your form is now published. You can import it into an existing packet or 'Send + Recieve' it as a single form.